Saving time and money
Project Name: Luggage.
Tools used: Adobe Xd, Miro, Forms, Marvel, Adobe Illustrator, and InVision.
My role in the team: Project Manager / UX Designer / UX Research

Around the world, tourists and immigrants are experiencing significant setbacks with their wait times and travel belongings. With that in mind, for my Senior Project in the Interactive Media Management program, I first conducted a survey exploring the idea of creating a tool to solve the problem of who needs to have specific items in their destinations.

Through different research tools, such as a workshop, with my team, we determined that the key elements would be clothing rental and free time options for those traveling and the community.

I developed different proposals for low-definition prototypes, reducing elements until I found the best answers.

We determined the target audience for this digital tool's paid and free versions. With that, I developed an interface that seeks to connect users and assist, for example, through mapping download options for those traveling without the Internet, currency converter, and other ways.

Finally, the first version of the Luggage was ready.
- A community market that serves to advertise and book locally and internationally.
- Monitor the status of your products.
- Generates revenue from disused items.
- Assist the traveler at their destination.

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